MORPHOLOGY Hi! Let me introduce myself, my name is Fina Idamatus Silmi, I am from R4D class, English Education Program, Indraprasta PGRI University, and welcome to my first article:) hope u guys enjoy reads this blog:) A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in a language. A morpheme is not identical to a word. The main difference between them is that a morpheme sometimes does not stand alone, but a word, by definition, always stands alone. The linguistics field of study dedicated to morphemes is called morphology. When a morpheme stands by itself, it is considered as a root because it has a meaning of its own (such as the morpheme cat). When it depends on another morpheme to express an idea, it is an affix because it has a grammatical function (such as the –s in cats to indicate that it is plural). Every word is composed of one or more morphemes. In linguistics, Morphology (/mɔːrˈfɒlədʒi/) is the study o...